Can you transfer or keep your Audible purchases if you cancel your subscription?
Can I Transfer My Audible Purchases to Another Account?
When you decide to cancel your Audible subscription, one of the questions that often arises is whether you can transfer your existing Audible purchases to another account. The answer depends on the terms and conditions set by Audible. Typically, Audible allows customers to transfer their audiobook purchases to another eligible account, but this must be done within a specific timeframe, usually 30 days from the date of cancellation. It’s crucial to check the official Audible policies for any updates or changes in these procedures as they may vary over time.
Can I Keep My Purchased Audible Books After Cancellation?
Another common concern is whether you can continue to access and listen to your purchased Audible books after cancelling your subscription. Audible generally does not provide a way to retain these purchases indefinitely once the subscription ends. Your library of audiobooks will be removed from your account at the end of your current billing cycle. However, some users have reported being able to download and save individual audiobooks to their computer or mobile device for later use. This method, however, requires manual effort and is not officially supported by Audible.
Can I Redeem My Credits for Future Audible Purchases?
If you have unused credits remaining from your cancelled subscription, it’s important to know what happens to them. Audible typically offers a grace period where you can use your credits to make future purchases before they expire. The exact duration of this grace period varies depending on the plan and region. It’s advisable to check the specific terms of your subscription to understand how long you have to redeem your credits. If you don’t plan to use the credits within the grace period, it’s best to convert them into a refund or consider using them to purchase something else.
Can I Access My Previously Purchased Audible Books After Cancellation?
Audible does not allow users to access previously purchased audiobooks after cancelling their subscription. Once the subscription ends, all associated content is removed from your account. However, some users have reported that they can still hear the books they had previously downloaded. This behavior might occur due to cached data on devices or other technical issues, but Audible does not officially support such actions. For legal and ethical reasons, accessing unauthorized copies of copyrighted material is not permitted.
Related Questions
Q: How long do I have to transfer my Audible purchases to another account?
A: Audible allows you to transfer your purchases to another eligible account within 30 days from the date of cancellation.
Q: Can I keep my purchased audiobooks after cancelling my subscription?
A: Audible does not provide a way to retain purchased audiobooks after cancelling the subscription. They will be removed from your account.
Q: What happens to my unused credits after cancelling my Audible subscription?
A: Audible offers a grace period for redeeming unused credits. The duration of this period varies based on the plan and region.
Q: Can I access my previously purchased audiobooks after cancelling my subscription?
A: No, Audible does not allow access to previously purchased audiobooks after cancelling the subscription. All content is removed from your account.